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The Organization
The Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine Youth Commission’s (GIMYC) or La Commission jeunesse Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine (CJGÎM) mission is to represent Gaspesian and Magdelan island youth, ages 12 to 35, to various partners and stakeholders. The organization helps get these young people to get involved in their communities. The GIMYC supports regional development projects that promote posterity and fosters new talent. The Youth Commission is made up of 2 employees, and 16 members of the board of administrators:
12 members of the board of administrators aged 18 to 35, including 2 representatives from the Gaspésie Regional County Municipality and 2 representatives from the Magdalen Islands.;
4 partner members of the board of administrators

Pay attention and listen to the needs of the region’s youth, ages 12 – 35
Émilie Leblanc
Félix Guay-Vachon
Simon Beaubien
Emmanuelle Cloutier
Marie-Ève Arsenault
Administrator testimonials
Dominic Cyr
Andrée-Anne Cyr-Wright
Administrator testimonials
The government of Quebec adopts the 1998-2001 youth action plan, giving the go ahead to regional development councils (now known as Conférences régionales des élus –CRÉ) to set up youth forums.
The first regional youth meeting takes place in Murdochville, in preparation for the Quebec Youth Summit.
Quebec Youth Summit, and foundation of the Fonds jeunesse Québec (FJQ)
Youth groups, regional activists, and the CRÉ band together to form the Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine Youth Commission.
The government of Quebec and La Fondation communautaire Gaspésie–Les Îles create the Fonds jeunesse René-Lévesque. This programme was created to encourage young peoples’ entrepreneurial endeavours, and to encourage them to remain and establish themselves in the region.
Creation of the Gaspésie et des Îles-de-la-Madeleine’s portailjeunesse.ca. The portal is an effective way to spread youth related information and news. It also provides a job bank system where young people can send their CVs for regional employers to consider.
The Youth Commission, along with every regional youth forum in Quebec, are tasked by the Youth Secretariat (Secrétariat à la jeunesse) to manage the regional youth investment fund (Fonds régional d’investissement jeunesse (FRIJ)), according to their region.
Implementation of a tax credit for recent graduates working in a resource-based region. The Youth Commission and the Youth Action Group (Regroupement action jeunesse) 02 Saguenay–Lac St-Jean were the ones who lobbied the government of Quebec to enact this initiative.
The Youth Commission conducted a regional enquiry to determine and set priorities of investment by funds dedicated for youth groups and initiatives.
The Youth Commission modified its administrative structure to allow for six members from each of the Regional County Municipalities to take part in various youth groups that form the committee (CJE, MDJ, PAJ, local workers)
Thanks to an additional $500 K investment from the FRIJ, the Fonds jeunesse René-Lévesque becomes a million dollar investment fund for the region’s youth.
The 2004 Grande Séduction of the Gaspé region sets out with the goal of attracting new graduates and promoting a positive image of the Gaspé. Over a week, a tour of the major universities took place thanks to help from youth employment centres, Place aux jeunes officers, the Fondation communautaire Gaspésie-Les Îles, and the Youth Commission
The 2005 Grande Séduction of the Gaspé region takes place in major universities.
At the Rassemblement Vision at St-Octave-de-l’avenir, 80 participants shared their views on the region’s future.
The government of Quebec tasks the Youth Commission to promote civic engagement in the region’s young people.
The Youth Commission and its partners establish the Cap sur l’avenir initiative. Unique to the region, this initiative helps the region’s young people come back and stay in the region. The Youth Commission is a proud supporter of this regional initiative.
The 2007 Grande Séduction of the Gaspé region takes place. This edition’s innovative approach allowed 30 professionals to come stay a week to explore the area and to network with the region’s employers.
The Youth Commission collaborates with the Gérard-D.-Levesque Foundation, the Fondation communautaire Gaspésie–Les Îles, and the government of Quebec, to create the Gérard-D.-Levesque Scholarship. This $500 K fund is used to develop grants and bursaries destined to the region’s youth. Funds are given out based on a candidate’s academic standing, their community engagement and their commitment to their studies.
Creation of the local youth initiative fund (Fonds local d’initiative jeunesse). This initiative, financed by the Youth Commission, and led by regional youth employment centres, financially supports young people engaged in group or individual projects.
The first annual Gaspésie et des Îles-de-la-Madeleine Day. This event took place in collaboration with regional youth institutions and the Youth Commission. The event put the region’s dynamism and vitality on display, and celebrated the pride of the people living in the Gaspé and the Magdalen Islands.
The Youth Commission, in collaboration with regional youth institutions, successfully carried the first ever “Regional Student Vaccine Tour” (Tournée régionale du Vaccin). This initiative set out to “inject a dose of regional belongingness” to every high school and pre-university programme graduate, in the region.
Creation of the Cap sur l’avenir 2009-2012 initiative. This programme’s goal is to focus on maintaining an influx of skilled labour in the area. The Youth Commission, along with a dozen other partners, are sponsors of this major undertaking.
Creation and implementation of the “local intervention for youth independence” project (Moyen d’intervention local pour l’autonomie jeunesse (MILAJ)). This project’s goal is to support initiatives and activities that allow young people, ages 12 to 35, to become more independent. The Youth Commission is a financial sponsor for this project. The project is run by regional youth employment centres
Creation of the “I take action” (Je passe à l’action) regional initiative. This initiative, led by the Youth Commission, is designed to foster civic engagement in the region’s young people.
The Youth Commission is restructured to increase the number of representatives to two per RCM.
Vision jeunesse 2012 takes place online. This consultation’s goal was to evaluate the needs and perspectives of the region’s young people. 1238 young people participated and shared their views on the future.
The Youth Commission becomes a financial partner with the sustainable development strategy for those living in the Gaspé and Magdalen Islands.
The Youth Commission puts an action plan in place that supports the civic engagement of the regions’ young people ages 12 to 35). The action plan encourages young people to be more active and engaged in their communities. The plan also supports young people who are involved in their communities by highlighting their work, and emphasizing the effects of their involvement, whether it be big or small.
The Gaspésie–Îles-de-la-Madeleine Youth Commission becomes incorporated.
The newly incorporated Youth Commission successfully recruits new administrators
5 citizen participation projects are completed
The 2018 youth consultation, involving over 2000 young Gaspesians and Magdalen Islanders, takes place
The Youth Commission lends its support to the unité régionale sports & loisirs (URLS) for cultural events for young amateur artists.
Development of a campaign to get people under 35 to vote in the federal election.
Successful year for the “Je prends ma place” et “L’implication c’pas juste pour ta grand-mère” contests.