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Marie-Ève Arsenault
34 years old, Bonaventure RCM
Public health clinical nurse
Years involved with the GIMYC: 4

What’s the craziest project you’ve worked on?
I really love being involved with Raid International Gaspésie. Over the years, I went from a volunteer with the tech team, to being a team guide for the youth events, and the being a participant myself! I’ve done it all as we say. It was fou RAID.
How do you get involved in your community?
I like spending my time on activities that I enjoy, especially outdoor ones and sports. Being involved with the YC means I’m always listening to my community’s young people so I can understand their perspectives, needs, and expectation concerning the various projects we support.
Why do you choose to get involved?
Because I want my values, and those of the young people in my milieu, to be represented in our communities. I feel that everyone has the responsibility to give back and get involved if they want to feel like they are a part of their community. I think that is how we can build the future we want.
Why are you a part of the GIMYC team?
What really hooked me to begin with was the fact that it’s an organization made for and by young people. I think that’s the best way, in my opinion. It was my first time being on a board of directors and I learnt a lot. Over time through the various YC mandates, I was able to shape things and collaborate with other young people. I feel that I am contributing to the positive reputation of the young people of the region.
What are you most proud about your region?
The people! Gaspesians and Magdalen Islanders are known for being very welcoming, and I think that is absolutely true. But I also really enjoy the feeling of freedom up here. It’s open, its beautiful… everything is possible here!
Félix Guay-Vachon
29 years old, Gaspé, RCM Côte-de-Gaspé
Forillon National Park visitor services coordinator
Years involved with the GIMYC: 4

What’s the craziest project you’ve worked on?
Helping organize the Ultra-trail event in the Forillon National Park
How do you get involved in your community?
By sitting on serval boards of directors and volunteering in my local cross-country skiing club
Why do you choose to get involved?
To revitalize our communities and contribute positively to my fellow citizens’ quality of life
Why are you a part of the GIMYC team?
To help out young peoples’ voices be heard by our communities’ decision makers. The region will see some serious demographical, social, and economic challenges in the near future. Getting our young people involves is more important now than ever before.
What are you most proud about your region?
Our wonderful quality of life and the great people that contribute to it.
Dominique Cyr
31 years old, Carleton-sur-Mer, RCM Avignon
Project manager in sustainable development
Years involved with the GIMYC: less than a year

What’s the craziest project you’ve worked on?
When I got back here, I absolutely wanted to organize an activity related to Earth Day. I ended up organizing a “plogging” session – it’s literally a jog where you pick up trash! It was silly to see all these people running after garbage, but it was also great to see all these people come out for Earth Day and doing their part to take care of the environment. With the help of Bouge pour que ça bouge, a local organization, I got about twenty people running that day! That’s the great thing about organizing events in the region – it’s simple, people are eager to get involved, and we can see the effects of what we do, right away. We even had more people participate here than in some of the bigger cities in Quebec!
How do you get involved in your community?
To me, getting involved is a way of living in the region, where in smaller communities, on a personal level where people know each other, and where it is relatively easy to organize activities and projects. I get involved to make my community nicer, more pleasant, more in touch with the people in it. Not only to share my values, but to be closer to the other people in my community.
Why do you choose to get involved?
To me, getting involved is a way of living in the region, where in smaller communities, on a personal level where people know each other, and where it is relatively easy to organize activities and projects. I get involved to make my community nicer, more pleasant, more in touch with the people in it. Not only to share my values, but to be closer to the other people in my community.
Why are you a part of the GIMYC team?
I think that it’s really important for young people to get involved in their communities, and I find that getting involved with the Youth Commission is a great way to set the example for others to get out there and do it. I am also proud of my region and I want to do what I can to make it even greater. I also think it’s a good way to address some issues that are important to me, like sustainable development.
What are you most proud about your region?
The pace of live and work. Here, the community doesn’t revolve around just working and making money. Here, we’re about quality of life, where we live, and the people who make a difference in our lives. We go to work, yes, but we choose to have a high quality of life that doesn’t impede us from living. Living out here is like feeling like you’re already retired, having a great work/life balance that isn’t biased towards working, and feeling like a cog in the machine. That is what makes me proud to live here.
Simon Beaubien
32 years old, Saint-Edgar RCM Bonaventure
Development agent
Years involved with the GIMYC: 4

What’s the craziest project you’ve worked on?
Setting up the 100% Magdalen Island local challenge. An initiative that is now in it’s sixth year, and is now held all over Quebec.
How do you get involved in your community?
In all sorts of food independence projects.
Why do you choose to get involved?
Because being part of an energetic living community that is reflective of us allows us to meet all sorts of passionate and interesting people. It allows us to build that social network that we can rely upon.
Why are you a part of the GIMYC team?
To raise awareness of young peoples’ interests and issues to the various regional authorities.
What are you most proud about your region?
The welcoming communities and the wide-open spaces.
Andrée-Anne Cyr Wright
29 years old, RCM Magdalen Islands
Development agent
Years involved with the GIMYC: less than a year

Why do you choose to get involved?
Being involved is an excellent way to integrate into and work for the community
Why are you a part of the GIMYC team?
I wanted to find a way to give back to the community that has brought me so much, and to learn more about the challenges that the young people here face. I wanted to add my humble two cents to the way the region is being developed
What are you most proud about your region?
The authenticity and down-to-earthiness of the people living here.
Émilie LeBlanc Laberge
32 years old, Petite-Vallée, RCM Côte-de-Gaspé
Years involved with the GIMYC: 1 and a half

What’s the craziest project you’ve worked on?
Professionally: own a campground in Petite-Vallée.
Personally: Roller blade/backpack from Vancouver to Los Angeles with my Dad
How do you get involved in your community?
I try to get my business to contribute to my community’s economic and social development – buying local, creating jobs etc… but the goal of Évasion Nature Petite-Vallée is really to get people to discover the Gaspé and provide opportunities for them to meet the region. I am involved in a variety of ways with different cultural, community and sports organizations and events.
Why do you choose to get involved?
Because I love where I live and I want it to be the most alive and interesting as possible, and to meet other people who want to get involved.
Why are you a part of the GIMYC team?
So that my involvement and my vision is more regionally oriented. It’s fine to be involved in one’s immediate community, but I am convince that we have to act together as one, all across the peninsula and the Islands.
What are you most proud about your region?
The pride, the energy, the landscapes… the way that Gaspesians want others to come discover the best they have to offer.
Emmanuelle Cloutier
26 years old, Grand-Vallée, RCM Rocher-Percé
Director General, La Vieille Usine de l’Anse-à-Beaufils
Years involved with the GIMYC: less than a year

What’s the craziest project you’ve worked on?
Being on the organizing committee for the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Gaspé Oktoberfest, hands down! It was incredible to bring all these people and businesses together from all of Eastern Quebec to have a beer (or more!)
How do you get involved in your community?
Mostly through my work.